Nourish yourself

Nourish Your Body | Balance Your Mind


To build resilience requires a well nourished mind and body. This is especially needed because when you find yourself in a difficult situation, your mind will send a signal to your body to use its resources to protect itself. Thus, it is important that your reserves are well maintained. On the other side of this, a nourished body-mind complex does not perceive threats as often as someone who does not have the strength and stamina to withstand the tumultuous environment. Focus on building your self-nurturing skills, even when you’re troubled or under duress. Make time for life meaning, the activities that you enjoy. Do more of what makes you happy. By nourishing your own needs, you can boost your overall health and resilience and be fully ready to face life’s challenges. And you will be more able to serve others.

Nourish yourself

Your TakeAways: Ways you make sure you provide your body with what it needs to function well. Your body is your vehicle to to live a successful healthy life.

Book my training program to increase your physical and mental fitness.

My Fitness and Performance Secrets

My Fitness and Performance Secrets

Loose it. Shift your mind. Move.

Dates: personalized per agreement
Coach: Sandra Rutz-Miličević
Duration: inidividual personal trainings and sessions | 60 min
Location: Indoor & Outdoor: per agreement
Online: Skype | WhatsApp
Price/Hour: by agreement

Every Breath Counts - Sandra Rutz-Miličević Every Breath Counts - Sandra Rutz-Miličević