Practice your skills

Life is Practice, So Enjoy the Progress


Resilience may take time to build, so don’t get discouraged if you still struggle to cope with problematic events. Everyone can learn to be resilient and it doesn’t involve any specific set of behaviors or actions. Resilience can vary dramatically from one person to the next. Focus on your strengths not your weaknesses and you will see over time, they will override any weakness. By practicing these techniques, you will build on strengthening your existing strengths.

Practice your skills

Your TakeAways: 5 Ways to Supercharge Your Personal and Professional Success.

Book now 10 simple habits that will set you apart as an Ultra Successful Person.

Smile, laugh, win. This is the competitive advantage of having fun.

Smile, laugh, win. This is the competitive advantage of having fun.

Program yourself for a successful, resilient and happy life.

Dates: personalized per agreement
Coach: Sandra Rutz-Milicevic
Duration: inidividual personal trainings and sessions | 60 min
Location: Indoor & Outdoor: per agreement
Price/Hour: by agreement

Every Breath Counts - Sandra Rutz-Miličević Every Breath Counts - Sandra Rutz-Miličević